擎川EVERLA > 知识问答 > 切菜机输送带皮带橡胶输送带皮带使用中注意哪




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作者:擎川EVERLA输送带厂家 来源: 网络整理 更新时间:2021-07-19 13:44:37人气:


Rubber delivery belt has the advantages of good elasticity, high strength, impact resistance, flexibility resistance, good grooving, small application elongation, suitable for medium and long distance, high load and high speed delivery of materials. Rubber belts are widely used in coal, mine, port, metallurgy, power, chemical industry and other areas of delivery materials.

送带冷粘接头法:即采用冷粘粘合剂来中止接头,这种接头办法比机械接头的效率高,也比较经济,应该能够有比较好的接头效果,但是从理论来看,由于工艺条件比较难控制,另外粘合剂的质量对接头的影响非常大,所以不是很稳定。 热硫化接头法:理论证明这是理想的一种接头方法,能够保证高接头效率,同时也非常稳定,接头寿命也很长,容易控制。但是存在工艺省事、费用高、接头时间长等缺陷。 橡胶保送带在运用时应留意的问题包括:

Cold-bonded joint method: that is, using cold-bonded adhesive to stop the joint. This joint method is more efficient and economical than mechanical joint. It should have better joint effect. But theoretically, it is not very stable because the process conditions are difficult to control and the quality of the adhesive has a great influence on the joint. Thermal vulcanization joint method: The theory proves that this is the most ideal joint method, which can ensure high joint efficiency, but also very stable, long service life, easy to control. However, there are some shortcomings, such as easy process, high cost and long joint time. The problems that should be noticed when using rubber belts include:


1. Avoid the rollers being covered up by materials, which make up the rotating failure, prevent the leakage from being stuck between the drum and the tape, pay attention to the lubrication of the movable part of the belt, but do not make the belt greasy.


2. Prevent start-up of escort with load;


3. Take timely measures to correct the deviation of the delivery belt when it breaks out.


4. When it is found that the delivery belt is partially damaged, the artificial cotton should be used to repair it in time so as to avoid expansion.


5. Avoid the obstruction of rack, pillar or block material on the delivery belt to prevent breaking and tearing.


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