擎川EVERLA > 知识问答 > 如何清洗橡胶输送带皮带?




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作者:擎川EVERLA输送带厂家 来源: 网络整理 更新时间:2021-07-19 13:44:37人气:


  After using for a period of time, the dirt on the surface of rubber conveyor belt needs to be cleaned. On the one hand, it is to ensure the service life of the conveyor belt, on the other hand, it is to ensure the working energy consumption pool of the conveyor belt. Then how to clean the rubber conveyor belt? Jinao conveyor belt manufacturers for your detailed introduction.

  1. 清洗橡胶输送带时,先关闭蒸汽阀,根据张紧装置的位置调整压力。

  1. When cleaning the rubber conveyor belt, first close the steam valve and adjust the pressure according to the position of the tensioner.

  2. 使用塑料包装机电设备。

  2. Use plastic packaging machinery and electrical equipment.


  3. Connect the rubber conveyor belt and connect the washing machine to 220V AC.

  4. 把橡胶输送带弄湿。

  4. Wet the rubber conveyor belt.

  5. 将清洗液与水按1:10的比例混合,搅拌均匀。

  5. Mix the cleaning liquid and water in a ratio of 1:10 and mix evenly.

  6. 用枪将清洗液均匀喷在大皮带上,注意大皮带的加强边,不要使用太多动量,以免伤害大皮带,枪应扫一次,不要反复冲洗。

  6. Spray the cleaning liquid evenly on the belt with gun. Pay attention to the strengthening edge of the belt. Don't use too much momentum to avoid damaging the belt. The gun should be swept once and not rinsed repeatedly.


  7. Wash with water. Be careful at this time, because the rubber conveyor belt is very difficult to clean, so we should pay special attention to carefully cleaning and drying it.