擎川EVERLA > 知识问答 > 购买大倾角输送带皮带客户会考虑哪些问题?




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作者:擎川EVERLA输送带厂家 来源: 网络整理 更新时间:2021-08-04 14:44:23人气:


In fact, the large angle conveyor belt is widely used. It can be used in many places simply. This kind of rubber belt product has a small floor area and is not expensive. We need to consider several problems when we buy it, so that we can effectively buy our own products.


1、 Pay attention to the manufacturer


There are many problems we need to pay attention to when we buy a rubber conveyor belt. When we choose a rubber conveyor belt, we need to have a general understanding of this rubber belt. In fact, with the development of the Internet, it is not particularly difficult to understand the information of a manufacturer. We can learn about this manufacturer through the Internet, especially its reputation and production The quality of the products. Choose relatively reliable products.


2、 Price side


There are many manufacturers in the market, and the quality of products is also uneven, so we need to have a general understanding of them when we buy products. Compared with the price, there are a lot of things to pay attention to, including the quality of the product and the production process. The price gap is also relatively large. In terms of overall planning, there is a certain gap between their prices.


3、 Product design


The shape of large angle conveyor belt is different from other ordinary conveyor belt. Of course, it can be used with patterned conveyor belt and other related conveyor belt. Especially, it needs to be made into a ring conveyor belt for operation. So we need to design a better manufacturer to produce.


4、 Performance parameters of products


When we buy products, we need to understand the performance and parameters of this product comprehensively. We should have a general understanding and determine it in combination with our own actual use. In this way, we can buy products that meet our own standards and have a good performance price ratio of large angle conveyor belts.