擎川EVERLA > 知识问答 > 正确安装输送带皮带的详细步骤!




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作者:擎川EVERLA输送带厂家 来源: 网络整理 更新时间:2021-07-22 11:14:47人气:


  With the revitalization and development of the old industrial base in Northeast China, conveyor belts have been widely used in various industries in China. The manufacturers of large inclined conveyor belts will lead you to learn how to install conveyor belts correctly. The detailed process is as follows:


  1. Put a flexible rotating shaft on the core of the conveyor belt coiling, and frame the belt coiling well. Pay attention to the direction of the upper and lower cover glue before mounting.


  2. Conveyor belts can be rolled away in workplaces where they are not suitable for shelving. Conveyor belts at folding places can have sufficient radius of curvature to prevent damage to conveyor belts. Heavy objects are forbidden to be placed on conveyor belts at folding places.


  3. If the conveyor belt is replaced, the new belt can be connected with the old belt, and the unloading and installation of the new belt can be carried out simultaneously.


  4. For the conveyor running horizontally, the old conveyor can be cut off at any point. For the conveyor running in an inclined direction, the cut-off point should be selected to prevent the loss of control caused by self-weight.


  5. After positioning the new belt on the conveyor, fix one end of the belt with a fixture, then connect the belt with the rope of the pulley by bypassing the roll. The conveyor belt is balanced by a traction device. When pulling, the conveyor belt and the frame should be prevented from extruding each other.


  6. Fix one end of the conveyor belt on the conveyor frame with fixture, and the other end is tightened by pulley until the conveyor belt does not sag obviously on the return roller.


  7. Fixed the tensioner 100-150 mm away from the starting point.


  8. Conveyor belts should be manufactured by regular manufacturers. We provide door-to-door installation and after-sales service in Shenqiao.


  Above is the correct installation process of the conveyor belt introduced by the conveyor belt manufacturer for you. I believe you will learn from it. If you have any questions, you can click on our website to consult: https://www.everla.cn.